cssdp.org Review:

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy - CSSDP - Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP) is a grassroots youth organization concerned about the negative impact our drug policies have on society.

  • http://cssdp.org/about/national-team-board/ CSSDP Board of Directors & Advisors - National Team - Meet the national team that help CSSDP chapters across Canada raise awareness about harm reduction and sensible drug policy.
  • http://cssdp.org/cssdp-members-large/ CSSDP Members-at-Large - CSSDP - CSSDP members-at-large help us do important work by contributing time and effort to raise awareness about harm reduction and evidence-based drug policy.
  • http://cssdp.org/sdp/ Support Don't Punish - CSSDP - CSSDP considers problematic drug use in society primarily a health issue rather than a criminal one, and stands behind the Support Don't Punish campaign.
  • http://cssdp.org/board-member-callout-oct-2016/ Join our board of directors, fight the drug war! - CSSDP - CSSDP is looking for two motivated youth and students who are interested in working against the harms done by drug policies to join our board of directors!
  • http://cssdp.org/overdose-awareness-day-2016/ International Overdose Awareness Day 2016 - CSSDP - International Overdose Awareness Day draws attention to effective harm reduction methods that can prevent overdose deaths.
  • http://cssdp.org/cannabis-marihuana-name/ Cannabis to Marihuana: What’s In a Name? - CSSDP - Board member Michelle Theissen and Okanagen CSSDP chapter member Megan Stager discuss how the terms we use reflect the attitudes we hold.
  • http://cssdp.org/youth-speak-cannabis-legalization-outcome-document/ Youth Report on Cannabis Legalization - CSSDP - CSSDP hosted a youth roundtable on cannabis legalization in Toronto. Listen to what youth have to say about sensible cannabis policy and read the report!
  • http://cssdp.org/introduction-harm-reduction-model/ Introduction to the Harm Reduction Model - CSSDP - The harm reduction model for drug use and drug policy in contrast to the zero tolerance model, explained by CSSDP member-at-large Scott Jacobsen.
  • http://cssdp.org/legalizing-cannabis-lessons-canada/ Legalizing Cannabis: Lessons for Canada - CSSDP - Canada has set a deadline for legalizing cannabis. By spring 2017, the substance will be legal and available for recreational use.
  • http://cssdp.org/position-statement-stop-raiding-dispensaries/ Position Statement: Stop Raiding Dispensaries! - CSSDP - For 20 years, dispensaries have helped patients access medical cannabis. Why are we raiding dispensaries with legalization around the corner?

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -87.6441 Illinois, United States

  • Cuckoocat - Arrived after another person had received it and returned it.

    Package arrived, the box obviously retaped by prior recipient. I opened the box to find a return slip from the prior purchaser indicating that the unit did not heat anything and was returned. I din't bother to go any further. I returned the item. The ellers didn't even bother to see what the previous buyer had to say!

  • Amazon Bun - Kid-Safe for sure!

    We bought this smartwatch for my son for his 6th birthday. My son is really rough with things and intentionally tries to break toys, so I was reluctant to give this to him, but I did. He has had it now for 2 months and it is still working awesome! No complaints. This holds up to the "kid test" in my opinion!

  • Lasers - Not just for babies

    Great for dry skin! I usually get body washes and shampoos that are meant for kids, because they have less chemicals in them. It's lightly scented, the smell reminds me of my little ponies from the 80s.

  • brianna2009 - would love to try!!!!

    I would like to try for free!! reading these reviews has made me want to try this, I have callus on both feet,I wear boots 80% of the time most of the year because of my job. And I don't have time to go to a spa or do it on my own any more. I would like something fast and easier because it normally take any where from 1-2hours to get any results just from using a pomic stone alone which is very tirering and hurts my arms and hands. I would like faster easier results so I can have the Dream Feet I so would love.....how can I try this product for free?

  • MCook - just what I needed

    it was the perfect adapter to use for my sons car seat and easy to install. I wish all the BOBs came with this

  • FocusOnWildlife - Something is missing

    This is a great product, but it has several shortcomings. It's a shame that Playmobil has allowed itself to be swayed by the ultra-liberal political correctness mongers. When I opened the box I was dismayed to find that all of the characters in the set are Caucasian.