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    Country:, Europe, DK

    City: 12.5655 Capital Region, Denmark

  • Paul Streder - Solid machine, but should have spent the extra on the E95

    I researched Elliptical machines for a while. And after long deliberation and trying to balance price with features, I purchased the E55 (instead of the E95) because i found no important discernible features.

  • BuriedSoul - It doesn't hold a tone very good at all

    Lip Piece gave me a wicked rash. It doesn't hold a tone very good at all. and the keys have discolored regardless of the fact I washed my hands every single time I played, before I picked it up. I also cleaned it thoroughly before I put it away every single time... Didn't matter.

  • Ronald Lemon - fixed problems with kindle version

    I had cancelled my New Yorker subscription last fall after their "new and improved" tablet version came out, it was essentially unreadable (at least for me) i did so with great sadness because i really enjoy the New Yorker. I recently logged back on and looked at the current version and they have obviously made some changes to the tablet version and it is now back to being something that i can read and enjoy again!

  • Angela Christiansen - Horrible

    Thought I would try something new .. the mascara was halfway down my face by 10am. I would not recommend buying this product.

  • Robert - Beautiful bottle! Feels nice on the skin

    Beautiful bottle! Feels nice on the skin. I have extremely sensitive skin, and this product works well with my skin type. I am getting wrinkles rather fast, so I hope this product helps with that. The application process is easy, apply with fingertips. I'll update my review in 30 days on the progress.

  • Jaime R. De Los Santos - Excellent choice

    Is the best product we have found on the market that really protects our babies (we have 4 only one still use it). no fish smell no sticky, no grease.

  • Tammi - Dogs love it, and it's good for them.

    My dogs love it. I've been looking for a food like this for them for a long time. I didn't buy it on amazon, I bought it locally. I've changed my dogs food so many times,: trying to find a good food, that's good for them. It seemed everytime I'd buy something I'd find out it wasn't what it was supposed to be. I like the fact that it's limited ingredients, no potatoes which I think my boys have issues with. They've only been eating this food for about 2 weeks now, but they get so excited when it's time to eat. My lab dances and bounces and my finiky Cockapooh stares anxiously while I get thier bowls ready.