henrylab.med.und.edu Review:

Welcome to the Henry Lab | L. Keith Henry Lab | Keith Henry - Research Lab of Keith Henry. Study of antidepressants and drugs of abuse. Univ of North Dakota Sch of Medicine & Health Science. Dept of Basic Sciences.

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City: -97.166 North Dakota, United States

  • Courtney Colley - really works!

    I've always suffered from back and chest acne, and I once I started usuing this every morning in the shower (just on those spots) it cleared up and now I have very few breakouts!

  • Frank2954 - Excellent resource

    I have been using Excel for many, many years. I knew I was only scratching the surface with its capabilities. This book explains how to increase the utilization of this program to your benefit. This book has saved me time, while making me more organized and productive.

  • sequelplease - Good luck everyone

    I passed NCLEX the first time!!!!!! I only used this book and about 2 weeks worth max of NCBSN (I paid for 5 weeks) As I was doing the comprehensive exam in the back of the book I noticed myself getting more questions correct toward the end. The strategies helped a lot. If you graduated and STUDIED in nursing school, this should be all you need. If I passed you can too. Good luck everyone.

  • cosmicgirlndc - Almased: It's what you make it!

    Let me be frank. I come to you as a 1990s veteran of protein shakes. In the past, I have choked down the cake-batter sludge that is Spirutein, the syrupy technicolor sweetness of Slim Fast, and everything in between. But if you care about the ingredients in your protein mix, as I do now, this is THEE best product for the money. Look around at the options out there, and what you'll find is a lot of filler and SUGAR. I don't know about you, but extra sugar is something I do not need. Almased does contain honey, but it's not a problem here because of the way it's used. Honestly, I can't find one objectionable thing on Almased's list of ingredients - which is rare for me to say about any product.