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  • Catherinee - Don't waste your time

    I have read a lot of vampire stories. I was looking for something new, with a little edge when I came across this one. The reviews were great so I got it. Ugh! Just what we need, another vampire with absolutely no balls! He is sensitive and disgusted by the creature that he is. He is instantly drawn to the protagonist and cannot harm her. My personal favorite is that despite the fact that he has been sleeping for 400 years he still says things like "I can't believe I just spilled my guts to you". I know its fiction, but can't you work a little harder? The protagonist is an annoying little girl who, when is about to be bit by a vampire, is more concerned with her back getting bruised by the wall she just got thrown into. They should have just killed her immediately. I made it half way through this book before I decided life was too short.

  • Dana - Not helping.

    I don't find that this product reduces my cravings. And by no means have I lost weight just from taking this. I think anyone can loose a lot of weight if they restrict their calorie intake. I was just hoping this would help reduce my cravings, but um no.

  • Sherlock72 - best price

    I have a difficult time finding hair products that actually work without making my head itch. This is one of the beltway I have come across. It's not sticky and doesn't weigh down your hair. Another plus is that it is half the price of what retail stores charge!