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  • Gary W Sanderson - The instructions are clear and easy to understand

    This bok was needed to help me do the things that I want to do with Excell, and it does the jopb that I purchased it for. The instructions are clear and easy to understand. I am happy with this book.

  • mavis koleada - Great product, but use the "chapstick" wand liberally first to avoid irritation.

    Easy to use and does the job. Be sure to use the "chapstick" type stuff liberally before applying the main removal product. I didn't and my face was a little red and irritated after using the product.

  • Patarawadee - Sent me a wrong one. Its not like on the picture!

    Sent me the Asian edition which is not the same like the textbook they've described on Amazon! it's not even look like on the picture.

  • Nana B - I would not recommend this product

    This product does nothing to relieve nasal congestion. It was no different than putting vaseline in your nostrils. I would not recommend this product.

  • Saul Rodriguez - Samsung SEK-1000 Smart EVO Kit

    Great product does what it's meant to do. fast shipping great packaging very easy install just plug in and it starts setting up all by it's self.

  • Collegecustomer123 - It's great being able to control christmas lights in my room ...

    It's great being able to control christmas lights in my room from my phone. The socket is in a hard to reach place and was a pain to plug in, this smart plug fixed that. It read my wifi quickly and hasn't lost connection once.

  • mark oliver parra - Bar sits over sunroof, otherwise awesome

    These are perfect for snowboard/ski racks. I bought one for my 2014 Crosstrek and it fits perfectly. My only complaint (which should probably be directed towards Subaru) is that the front bar sits over my sunroof. I keep it there during the winter so i can put my snowboards up, but after winter, i slide it back a bit out of the way, but then the bars are really close together. It works though.