
UNITAU - Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano - Site do Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano da Universidade de Taubaté. Acesse e conheça!

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  • LDA 3604 - Greatest streamer device I have found.

    The 2015 Element Ti4 TV Box is great. Not an actual device for watching TV channels but is outstanding and exceeds expectations for all other advertised claims.

  • Amazon Customer - Stay away

    As a technician for many years and a current pharmacy student, I have to steer others away from this study guide. There are much better products on the market. The contents do not look professional and look like they were made in Microsoft Word. Like other reviews have mentioned, the math "review" section is basically remedial math and has little applicability to the test. There several spelling mistakes in the drug names. Although I did not read the entire guide, what I did review was not great. I would recommend getting a better book that actually has reliable information. Those that have given positive reviews of the product have obviously not worked in the field.

  • Amanda - Helped my gassy constipated baby!

    This product helped my gassy baby a lot. She had more frequent bowel movements and less discomfort. I also liked them because they were liquid. Most other baby probiotics I found were powder. The drops I was able to give her without mixing in a bottle.

  • Mamalood - this product was SPOILED

    oil arrived and was BAD. Smelled HORRIBLE. I have used this before. First bottle was great. Used it all. Second bottle arrived and I have never smelled anything so bad. I researched and found that argan oil should be sold in dark containers. Switched to a different manufacturer and am happy with the oil I received now.

  • I'd rather not say - Research, and follow directions!

    I have used this before and PASSED my urine tox screen performed at a hospital lab. I have to take another test in a few weeks. So I bought several bottles and test strips, because I wanted to do some "practice runs"