
Psychedelic News & Culture @ - is dedicated to the exploration of psychedelic and visionary drug subculture. Formerly Trip Magazine, Formerly TRP: The Resonance Project, Formerly Psychedelic Illuminations

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  • Big Al - I would recommend

    I went to Tampa this weekend, and had a little fun. Some might say a little too much fun, but either way it was a good time. I woke up with a hangover and decided to take these pills to try them out. I also gave them to my buddies to try. My one friend said he didn't feel anything, but me and my buddy both felt a lot better about 20 minutes after taking these. It doesn't just magically make you sober, but it makes you feel a ton better than you did when you first wake up. Now it affects everyone differently, but I loved it. Definitely recommend. Five stars.

  • marlene south - waste of money

    its a flimsey peice of crap. have to move it all over the room. the ad shows a square shape its not its rectangler every time the wind blows i lose signal. do not waste your money.

  • Savvy Buyer - No Science - No Proof - Just Another "antiaging" product

    It is abundantly clear that the reviews are being written by Jeunesse Distributors. When you include your email in a review, I am dubious regarding your overwhelming results regarding the product. You are trying to sell the product of course you love it. Buyer Beware - This a very expensive product that does not work (I've tried it, bought it from a friend).

  • Sara A. Guerra - this tea works wonders. in a matter of two ...

    this tea works wonders. in a matter of two minutes, you begin to relax and automatically without intending to, you begin to breath deeply and calms the nervous system.