www.brooklynallergy.com Review:

Dr. Nejat - NY Allergist Manhattan Allergist - Allergy Sinus Asthma Specialist - NY Allergist for Allergy, Sinus & Asthma Center with Testing & Treatment in New York City Allergist, Manhattan Allergist, and Ridgewood. Allergy Triggers.

Country:, North America, US

City: -71.2047 Massachusetts, United States

  • amazonian - FANTASTIC GARDEN HOSE!

    It is very rare that I write reviews but I decided to write a review for this Gilmour 8-Ply Flexogen Hose because I had purchased other very good name brand hoses from a Very Big Box Store and within days I had to return them as they leaked or bursted out - a total of three (3) hoses in less than two weeks time. One of them bursted open in few hours of use. Anyway out of frustration I decided to a little bit of my own research and found that the hoses that are rated for 500 psi and made of good quality materials are better and I also read the entire detailed description of Gilmour Flexogen 8-Ply hose and got convinced. I must say that in the past I have found Gilmour brand products to be superior quality. I have been using Gilmour Flexogen hose (in beautiful grey color) for about a month and NOT one drop of water leaks anywhere. EXCELLENT PRODUCT. I will update my review after I have used it for some more time. What a blessing it is to use good quality, No Nonsense products. THANK YOU GILMOUR.

  • CindyC - You want this one.

    I am a seamstress, with an online shop where I sell my handmade items. My Janome Heavy Duty machine's bobblin mechanism broke...just looooove plastic parts....and I am trying to get my inventory up for the busy Christmas season. It would cost as much to get mt Janome fixed as this Singer machine costs, and with Amazon Prime the Singer got here within 48 hours. I have been sewing like a fiend since I got thus machine four days ago, and must say I am impressed with this machine's performance. It is VERY fast, which I love, because that cuts my production time for each item, and time IS money, particularly when you are self-employed! Plus, the items that I make have some parts that can have five or six layers of cloth, and Singer zipped through them like buttah. The ease of use with features like needle position, stitch width and pattern, etc. makes switching in mid-seam a breeze. I got this machine originally as a back up and was going to get my Janome repaired, but I think this Singer has earned my trust to be numero uno, and Janome can be the back-up. Granted, I have only had it four days (though I have made eight garmets in those four days), so if things change, I will come post an update...but for now, and hopefully forever, Singer Heavy Duty High Speed has earned five stars!