www.m.ovusoft.com Review:

Welcome to the Ovusoft Fertility Charting Application - Home of Ovusoft Fertility Charting - for fertility charting, women trying to get pregnant and reducing the time to conceive.

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City: -95.9563 Nebraska, United States

  • Patricia - Great Movie and Great Video Quality

    This is a very well made movie with amazing graphics. The HD makes the picture absolutely incredible. For the extra buck I would definitely go for it! Pop some popcorn and prepare for a great action packed movie!

  • mumsthenerd - Never Assume

    In the 32 years I have existed on this planet I have never once thought to myself that I may want to read up on any type of sugar-free candy prior to consuming. I have also never found any candy that should by law, be required to come with a warning label that is at LEAST 10 times larger then it's bag!

  • mike - I love the look

    Didn't order from here but same product. These mats looks soooo sharp. I love the look,fit and depth of these mats. Awesome!

  • Alice E Utter - relaxing cream

    worked well but when you read the information on back leaves you confused because the directions use" topical" which is on the skin to rub in and also mentions" oral" which means puting it in your mouth so some people may actually put it in their mouth which will cause gastrointestinal problems some people dont think for themselves they read and do so could be a problem I am a retired ER nurse and have good common sense to know even without reading it to put it on the skin to absorb it into muscle I hate to see how many people may actually put it in their mouth and swallow it could be a lawsuit in the making against the company should fix that on your packaging if someone actually buys a tube they may get real sick alot more product to use more frequently the sample size is perfect for one time use and if used wrong may or may not get an upset stomach because there is nothing else to use again every few hours like if they buy the tube. I did like the cream because it didnt burn the skin some really good pain creams have a tendancy to irritate the skin like a mild chemical burn when used a few times through the day or get hives but this cream does not appear to do that but you really need to use it at 2 to 3 times after another to see how it affects your skin but I believe it will not cause an irration believe me I have two spinal cord injuries from working as a nurse to many hours and have used many different creams and even some with actual pain killer that you normally take by pill or tablet compounds that are prescribed because of the pain killer and believe me I have suffered a few chemical burns on my neck lower back and upper back from sleeping with cream applied and sweating while sleeping really makes it even more irritating and it takes days to get rid of with painful burning and itching