www.mytherapyapp.com Review:

MyTherapy: Your pill and medications reminder - The award-winning and free MyTherapy app reminds you of your medication. Including a journal for well-being, blood pressure, blood glucose, and more

  • https://www.mytherapyapp.com/doctors-pharmacists-nurses MyTherapy for Professionals: Support your patients' adherence. Simple, time-efficient, and free - MyTherapy is the only adherence support app that works for your patients without costing your time. Reminders for pills and a comprehensive health journal, all in one app.
  • https://www.mytherapyapp.com/get-involved MyTherapy: Involving patient support groups in health app development - No two patients are alike. Through close collaboration with local and national patient support groups we make MyTherapy the best health app for the greatest possible number of patients
  • https://www.mytherapyapp.com/press Press: MyTherapy Pictures for journalists and bloggers - Pictures of the MyTherapy app and logos for use by journalists and bloggers. Available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish. Need other languages? We are here to help!

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  • EastCobbMama - Great helper for long stressful days!!

    I liked the way this helped me work all day without a drop in my functionality. It helped me stay alert and focused. The pills themselves are a bit large and kind of hard to swallow but they work, that's what I wanted! You could always add these to your morning coffee or yogurt smoothie.

  • SkinnyFat101 - Two a day is more than enough in conjunction with ...

    Two a day is more than enough in conjunction with a healthy diet and 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week for me.

  • melloui - Reynolds has added a great aid for cooking!

    This is a product I use almost daily. A small piece of this foil placed upon a steak plate is the exact size for baking two servings of fish or meat. Toast is also easily prepared on this nonstick foil. Vegetables can be sauteed using this method. Order this from Amazon, as it is not always available in other stores.

  • Pen Name - What helped me.

    have yet to try this product but i wanted to let u all know that there is a pill out there that increases your appetite. I weighed 95pounds b4 i started taking REMRON now im weighing in at 125. Beware that remron is an antidepressant! I went to the dr. Complaining about my weight and she prescribed me this. Warning it will make u super sleep so take 1 before bed time. The only side effects i noticed were having more vivid and unusual dreams. Anywho. Just trying to help those in need. Research this and ask a dr.


    WASTE OF MONEY AND DOES NOT WORK! I stopped smoking a month prior to my hair follicle test, used this product, along with a month long 1hr 1/2 process EVERY NIGHT of baking soda, vinegar, tide, nexxus aloe rid, 2% astring., etc. Also, bought the OTHER two step, one bottle Ultra Klean and used that day of test, with all other steps and STILL did not pass. I spent about $300 in product to clean my hair, got it cut AND dyed it. WASTE OF MONEY, DO NOT BUY!!!

  • Donna S. - Does its job

    This is pretty sufficient for what it's supposed to do. It's also about a good $10 cheaper than in the store, too. My only complaint is how I'm constantly charging batteries every week when before I was buying batteries about once a month. We have a toddler whose aquarium swears by C batteries so I guess a little hassle once a week is saving us some money.