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  • Jrzygrl - Be careful - it contains YEAST!

    This Porsc contains YEAST. If you are allergic to yeast be careful as I had a serious allergic reaction. It is not noted in the product description and I was completely disappointed to find it had items I was allergic to in it. Even when I called a rep from Plexus, they said the yeast is for digestive reasons, however, being allergic, NO YEAST is in pro-biotics, which is all this product tries to replicate.

  • Krishna B. - It works!

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  • Raina M. Ratajczak - dragging my feet across a grassy field while landing my ...

    dragging my feet across a grassy field while landing my parachute, worried about my keds. I look down, and scotchgard had my back, or more specifically, my feet. :)

  • Kimberly Reid - Wouldn't do my business taxes without it.

    This is the second year that I have used Turbo Tax Business to complete my small business taxes. I would not be able to do them without it. I do wish it would have a line for mileage but with that being my major complaint I would have to say that I love it. You must admit that a few hours of a slight headache at the cost of $105 is much better than what your accountant would charge. If you know your EIN and State id number and have a profit/loss report from QuickBooks then you are set and can do your own returns with this software.