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  • sue venezia - Took it to a shop and he said just buy a known name like galaxy or Apple

    Well I bought this brand new from Campus111 on EBay. It lasted 2 months then the little plug to recharge stopped working.

  • [email protected] - Massive Attack have now become a kiwi's favourite... by far!

    My Music started off with the casual listening of local rock/ska/punk bands. I liked them for a while but I didn't find them to be quite enough for me. I bought Chemical Brothers album (Flick Yah self off yah self) and then Exit Planet Dust (chemical bro's) I then moved onto Moby (I like to score) I still love that album even after 1 1/2 years of listening. I then bought my first Massive Attack album - Protection, I absolutally loved it from the first time that I heard it! I just couldn't get enough, that was about 3/4 of a year ago. I then got given Mezzanie for christmas (3 days ago) I was absolutally outstanded by it! I then went and bought Blue Lines today (on a special) and I am now listening to it at the moment.. I really truely love it. The vocals of Shara Nelson in track 6 (unfinished Sympathy) and the faint background scratching are fabulous... I could live with this CD.. I don't think that I will be parting with this CD... ever. Thanks Massive Attack.