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I have been searching for years and after paying about $20,000 for tests and treatments by 2 gastroenterologists and a Dr of Neuropathy, I have finally found Dr Campbell-McBride to be a credible source. I went on the stage 1 diet and immediately my insomnia went away. I have had debilitating auto immune symptoms for about 5 years and this treatment is showing encouraging results.
I gave this review a 5 star because reading the Golf Digest on my Kindle is very easy for me. I don't have to take the book with me when I travel and the pages are very vivid and easy to read. I would recommend this type of technology to all members of the golf world.
My son studies the book and seems to be getting a lot from it. We will see whether he scores high enough for the AirForce. Fingers Crossed!
I really wanted to like this book.I gave up on it after the after the sex scene in the tub of medical gel. Was it a fantasy? A telepathic manipulation? A rape? It was just godawful.
As a fan of first person shooters, I can usually enjoy mostly any first person game as long as it's playable and make the most out of it. Historically, I have NOT been a fan of this series. I'm more of a loaner, I'm a single player fan, and not huge into multiplayer and the single player has always been quite lacking in this series but I overhead Battlefront 1 had a nice campaign. I still didn't get my hopes up.
I bought this hair dye followed the instructions to a tee bleached my hair to make sure it was lightened as instructed and put the color in it was vibrant for the first 3 days then imediately faded after that color only lasted maybe 5 washes the purple color then after that faded to a light light pink now its all splotchy and gone. Don't waste your money