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  • Robin Manor - Critical Intlligence - 2016 Anniversary Edition

    Critical Intelligence is the 2nd book in the Immnortal Ops series by Mandy Roth. I had read the original story which was shorter and less detailed this updated extended version has so much more depth, character development and exciting storytelling bumps this books rating way up there.

  • acerf - Incomparable

    Mario Batali, famed chef and (groan, if true) taker of tips from wait staff, may have his own line of cookware but uses Le Creuset on various shows - including his own when he had (a show). That should say something.

  • Alexis Benty - Great read that will have you laughing & thinking deeply about our society!

    Luvvie Ajayi uses her quick wit and humor to judge the human race for the crazy things we all do like being bad friends, using too many hashtags, our significant other choices and even stronger issues like racism, feminism, and bigotry. Not only does Luvvie judge society for our actions, but she is also honest about her personal short-comings and how she is judging herself as well. Get ready to dig deep and think about yourself while screaming "me too!" Great read!