
Cancer Treatments / Therapy Results, Survival Rates, Toxicity, Side Effects, and Hospital information for 100s of therapies at Cancer Monthly - Cancer Monthly provides information about 100s of cancer treatments so that patients can compare therapy differences, longest survival rates, toxicity, side effects, hospitals, and many other facts, to have more meaningful discussions with their doctors, and ultimately, make more informed treatment decisions.

  • Brain Tumors, astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytoma, glioblastoma multiforme treatments, and treatment results - Brain tumor information about the grades, prognosis, treatments, chemotherapy, radiation, and treatment results for astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytoma, and glioblastoma multiforme.
  • Breast Cancer, Staging and Prognosis, Treatments, and Treatment Results - Advanced and metastatic breast cancer information about breast cancer grades and survival. Patient information about breast cancer prognosis, metastases, treatments, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy and treatment results for different types of breast cancer therapies.
  • Colorectal Cancer, Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer, Staging and Prognosis, Treatments, and Treatment Results - Advanced and metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer information about colorectal cancer grades, pathology, prognosis, and survival. Patient information about colorectal cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer prognosis, metastases, treatments, chemotherapy, radiation, and treatment and treatment results.
  • Kidney Cancer, Renal Cancer, Staging and Prognosis, Treatments, and Treatment Results - Advanced and metastatic kidney cancer and renal cancer information about grades and survival. Patient information about kidney cancer and renal cancer prognosis, metastases, treatments, surgery, immune therapy, chemotherapy, and treatment results for different types of kidney cancer and renal cancer therapies.
  • Liver Cancer, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Staging and Prognosis, Treatments, and Treatment Results - Advanced and metastatic liver cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma information about grades and survival. Patient information about liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, prognosis, metastases, treatments, surgery, immune therapy, chemotherapy, and treatment results for different types of liver cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma therapies.
  • Lung Cancer, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Staging and Prognosis, Treatments, and Treatment Results - Advanced and metastatic lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer information about grades and survival. Patient information about lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer prognosis, metastases, treatments, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, alternative therapy, surgery, and treatment results for different types lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer therapies.
  • Melanoma, Types, Staging and Prognosis, Treatments, and Treatment Results - Advanced and metastatic melanoma information about grades and survival. Information about melanoma prognosis, metastases, treatments, and treatment results.
  • Mesothelioma Cancer Therapies, Treatments, Prognosis, Survival and Chemotherapy - Mesothelioma Cancer information such as therapy, prognosis and treatments. Survival studies and treatment results for chemotherapy, and other resources for Mesothelioma.
  • Ovarian Cancer, Staging, Prognosis, Survival, Treatments, and Treatment Results - Advanced and metastatic ovarian cancer information about stages and survival. Patient information about ovarian cancer prognosis, metastases, treatments, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy and treatment results for different types of ovarian cancer therapies.
  • Prostate Cancer Therapies, Staging, Treatments, Prognosis, and Treatment Results. - Advanced and metastatic prostate cancer information such as risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and treatment results. Studies looking at various treatments including biological therapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, gene therapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy and alternative therapy for Prostate Cancer and metastases.

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  • Yiqqahah - Must Read

    This is a must read for anyone interested in what a nuclear blast would do. Also have very detailed instructions on how to protect your self from the blast and what to do after. In the place the world seems to be at now, I would highly recommend this book to interested people. Not as dry as I thought it would be either.

  • Christina L. Taylor - Down with cottage cheese!

    I am not extremely fat (yet), but I just turned 29 and even though I exercise 5 times a week, my thighs are starting to become rebellious cottage cheese factories. So I figured I'd try this product. My first fat cream ever. The product smells like menthol/mint but is not terribly offensive like a skunk or sweaty jockstrap or anything. And it takes a long time to absorb, compared with regular lotion, so you have to walk around your neighborhood pants-less for about twenty minutes longer than usual...putting you at a higher risk for a complaint or even public indecency charge. Walk quickly and get back indoors to examine the results. This miracle whip is pricey - when used as directed for 2 wks, I've already gone through an entire bottle. But I think my thighs do look a little smoother. I'll give it another month (two more bottles?) before making my final judgment. (Coincedentally, I've also replaced all the lightbulbs in my house with dimmer ones and that helps tremendously)

  • Desert CatMom - Love Netflix

    I am one of those who will soon be dropping cable/satellite services and going completely streaming. Will probably get Sling/Hulu from Amazon next. Regular ad-driven content has just become so un interesting .. even with a DVR, some of it is barely worth dealing with the ads to watch. So one may not get everything right when it comes out .. but that does not matter ... gone are the irrelevant, repetitive mindless Ads.

  • Clyde - Does not work with one program, hard to get support interested.

    I was using FREE avast, but got tired of the constant updating just to get me to join. So went with this because I have 3 computers and this license covers 3 computers. But on one computer I have a 3rd party email client that I LOVE because of a single feature it has. Problem is, it will not work with Kaspersky installed. I can send mail, but can not receive mail without Kaspersky being turned off. There is no phone support, and email support requires a barrage of "can't you figure it out with the stuff we provide you" kind of answers. Email got me an automated response telling me to do the things I know how to do already, but to send them a file from a logging system. Did that. Didn't hear back from them. I was hoping for some simple "set this as an exclusion". I am getting more response from the email client producer than I am from Kaspersky. No solution yet. I will have to either go back to another anit-virus on this computer, OR find another email client that will work with this. Sigh....

  • Tink - Not sure why so many bad reviews. THIS is AMAZING

    Not sure why so many bad reviews. THIS is AMAZING. I have tried several different options for facial hair removal ,by far this is the best. On my upper lip and chin hair I get a baby butt smooth finish make sure you do not use the flat head for these 2 places and yo uwill get a perfect face. The straight edge is good for arms, toes, knees. You must get the correct angle and go slow. It also worked great on my bikini area and so far I have had no itching in that area or razor bumps. I say a must purchase ladies

  • A. Coraccio - Mind of its own

    I am gadget guy and when amazon had these on sale for 170 I jumped at chance to get them, once we got them in and set up, the system kept putting the temp at ranges I did not want.

  • D. Morris - This is really a great product!

    My skin is freakishly sensitive to a lot of products but not 1 single problem with this product. I have only good things to report, improved tone and texture and more balanced appearance of skin color. My skin drinks it up and actually appears more radiant than I have seen it in years.