diagnosia.com.siterankd.com Review:

www.diagnosia.com Diagnosia.com - Search for drugs online - The largest European drug data search engine with package leaflets (PIL) and product information (SPCs)

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  • Amazon Customer - Good while it lasted...lasted 7 months.

    I ordered it back in November '15 and just went dead this afternoon in the middle of using it. It gave a really close buzz cut, and a good shape up as well. Now I feel like I should have listened to other reviews that said spend a little more and get the better Andis edger. For $40 I expected more than 7 months of usage.

  • J. Dalton - Natural therapies work

    this product is said to help eliminate cancer cells. we'll see in April when my daughter has her next MRI. Prayers for all going through this journey. God is Good.... Keep your body alkaline and don't believe the doctors. They are looking for treatment not a cure. Read all you can Cancertutor.com is a good place to start. Asparagus is not a hoax. and anything the doctors say is quackery is not true. Also look into MMS Hydrogen Peroxide therapy. Keep your immune system boosted. My daughter was given a 3 year sentence 9 1/2 years ago... Natural therapies work.

  • Nichole Moody - ... on top of the carb crushers and I absolutely love them. I have been noticing my weight loss ...

    I use this fat burners on top of the carb crushers and I absolutely love them. I have been noticing my weight loss results much fast that I would without them. You do have to use this with diet and exercise to see results. They do not make you lose weight alone. The fat burners give me energy and help burn more fat / calories especially when I work out. Great product especially for the price.