Review: - Eli Lilly and Company - View - Lilly is een wereldwijd, toonaangevend farmaceutisch bedrijf met vele innovatieve geneesmiddelen, Cialis, Cymbalta, Zyprexa, Forsteo, Efient, Byetta, Strattera, Evista, Humalog, Humuline, Gemzar, Xigris

Country:, North America, US

City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • G. Haskins - It works for me!

    Well, this is a device for capturing video from other sources, it does the quality that it receives, but for me it had been fine. The application is not as easy, but it is really nice. I had not been able to record 4 ch video at the same time, nor i had configured it for sending emails, but it really Works! I have Win XP, so no opinion about Win 7. I do really recommend this for video capture.

  • Magie - such an improvement

    I have had stomach issues for years. I am usually in the bathroom constantly after taking an antibiotic. Align has allowed me to take my medicine without suffering for it. Having irritable bowel syndrome, I have tried many probiotics, but this one gives me the best results and was recommended by my gastroenterologist. Another family member has incorporated it in her diet with the same fantastic results. I highly recommend this product.

  • Rick Platt - Fan of IC3D

    The IC3D motto, "For 3D Printers, By 3D Printers" is right on. The focus on getting desktop 3D printers that work for the masses is a plus too. We are a satisfied customer and love the "Made in USA" (and Made in Ohio) part especially.

  • Bevie - This Stuff Saved My Marriage

    I suffered with recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis for 3 years. I lived on antibiotics to treat the BV then more antibiotics to treat the Yeast Infections from the BV antibiotics! Pure Hell!! My GYN made light of it and just kept writing the prescriptions. My sex life with my husband suffered tremendously. I did not feel sexy and I was always embarrassed about the odor that I just shut down our sex life completely. This caused a strain in our relationship and I became very depressed. My doctor recommended antidepressants...I burst into tears! No more medication...please!!! Thankfully one of the nurses at my GYN's office recommended that I purchase RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic Feminine Supplements. She warned me that they were over the counter and pricey, but it was worth a try. I bought them and 5 days later there was no odor and no strange discharge. I have been using them for 8 months and I have had absolutely no odor or problems! Each purchase comes with coupons and Walgreens has them on sale periodically. I just stock up on them when they are on sale or order from when the price is right. Either way... using this product has saved my marriage!!

  • lori albright - Very good

    I have tried some of the cheap 10 or 15 dollar cleanses and they don’t compare to ultracleanse. Excellent detox product

  • Lucky Sevens - Boring game for an 11 year old

    I bought this game for my 11 year old nephew, who hunts. Thinking he'd totally love this, I thought I'd be the cool aunt, for Christmas! I asked him what he thought of it, and he said "Oh. I beat it the same day you gave it to me. It's really easy". Guess I bought the wrong game.

  • Kathleen S. - Not as good as the original type

    I have been using the ORIGINAL Salonpas patches for years, wouldn't buy anything else. The new patches, on individual papers, no ribs on the material are not up to the standard of the originals. They do not last as long, they do not provide as much relief and the worst part is they do not stay attached to the skin as the old type did. The minute you sweat, or even get warm from outdoor temperature, they come off. All you need do is touch them when your warm and they buckle and are no longer stay on. I am hoping I am able to find the old type on line or in a store, but if not, will have to find a new brand. This was the best and quickest relief I could find and bought plenty in the years I've used them. You should go back to the original type or at least let the consumer choose the type they prefer.