
LINKAGES | PEPFAR and USAID’s largest global project dedicated to key populations — sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, and transgender people. - PEPFAR and USAID’s largest global project dedicated to key populations — sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, and transgender people.

  • About | LINKAGES - LINKAGES, a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is their largest global project dedicated to key populations — sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, and transgender people. Led by FHI 360 in partnership with…
  • Trans lives matter: Advocating for the rights of young trans women in Kenya | LINKAGES - Written by Alesandra Ogeta, Research and Advocacy Officer, Jinsiangu Organization I am living in a country that is quickly transforming into an open, democratic, and economically vibrant society. Despite the increasing freedoms in socio-economic and political spaces, the same cannot be said for minority and vulnerable groups such as the transgender community. Basic freedoms for transgender…
  • Hand in Hand: Working with Key Populations to Fix a Leaky HIV Cascade | LINKAGES - Written by Nicole Ippoliti, Technical Officer II, FHI 360 Brave. Hopeful. Committed. Determined. These are the words that come to mind as I reflect on the inspiring researchers, programmers, activists, donors and policymakers who convened at the 21st International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa. Though we came from different countries and play diverse roles…
  • Launch of “HIV epidemics among transgender populations: the importance of a trans-inclusive response.” A JIAS Supplement guest edited by Tonia Poteat, JoAnne Keatley, Rose Wilcher, and Chloe Schwenke. | LINKAGES - Re-post from The JIAS Blog: Launched at the 21st International AIDS conference, the Journal of the International AIDS Society is pleased to announce the publication of the special issue entitled ‘HIV epidemics among transgender populations: the importance of a trans-inclusive response’. The articles in this special issue cover a wide range of topics focusing…
  • Does Gender Integration Matter in Programming for Key Populations? | LINKAGES - Written by Robyn Dayton, Gender Advisor, LINKAGES Programming for key populations is unique. It is uniquely challenging — in the face of the stigma, discrimination, violence and criminalization that many members of key populations face. And it is uniquely worthwhile — as USAID and others have noted, “There is no way toward an AIDS-free future…
  • Key Population Hero: Meeting the unique needs of transgender people in Kenya | LINKAGES - Written by Dalziel Leone, social justice advocate in Kenya The following is a fictional example of what trans people in Kenya often face when presenting at a clinic for HIV testing: “Are you a man or a woman?” the nurse asked him as she scanned him from head to toe. Kaya is a transman who…

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  • Mariusz P. Ostasz - I like it. Not flawless. But worth the money

    In general it is good product. Worth the money. After reading I was prepared for installation but I was going to use stock bolts

  • AmBel - It's ok, not as good as Moroccan Oil (brand)

    I was hoping to save some money by purchasing this Argan Oil treatment over the more popular Moroccan Oil. I used, and loved, Moroccan Oil. This Agadir Argan Oil has similar ingredients but it does not work as well. I will finish the bottle (because it's not horrible, just not as great) and then go back to Moroccan Oil. FWIW, I have long wavy hair that I usually blow-dry straight. I use argan oil as a leave-in conditioner and to tame the frizz.

  • Laura - Very sad that this didn't work as expected

    Very sad that this didn't work as expected. I did give it several tries and watched many different videos - and was determined to make this thing do what they show in the advertisement.. I am better at one side than the other but for my hair, which already has natural waves, it straightened it out too much and the few pretty curls that I did get lasted about 30 minutes. It did fry my hair even though I was very careful not to goo too slowly or linger in one spot. I have much better luck with the 1" curling iron that I bought for $10 or even a set of hot rollers. Will try to return the TYME...

  • Cathy - Very satisfied

    Thank you very much. Just remember that sometimes you have to use your brain a little bit when something does not work right away. First step, read the instructions to get familiar with your purchase and know how it works. At first I was pushing the button and nothing was working. And suddenly a huge electrical shock. I went from intensity 0 to probably 8 or 9 by pushing the wrong button. I had no clue what was going on. My first thought was : worthless. My second thought was : waoaw very powerful. My last thought : I am very happy. Thanks.

  • Liam Ezzy - Fantastic mouse but...

    Coming from a DA 2013, MX518, and FK1 this mouse really just feels like a smaller, lightweight variant of the mx518 and its great. The left and right click are phenomenal without being too light like the DA. The side buttons which while seem questionable at first are really not that bad, definitely more crisp than both previous mice i have used. I love how its just no drivers, pick a dpi and stick with it, its great for cs for just how bs free it is, lightweight and small, good for any shooter really. The scroll wheel also feels much better than mice i've previously used.