
PROMO. Promoting Equality for All Missourians. - PROMO is Missouri's statewide organization advocating for LGBT equality through legislative action, electoral politics, grassroots organizing, and community education.

  • Lobbying - Lobbying is simply an effort to win the support of legislators or other public officials for a position on a piece of specific legislation.
  • LGBT Health - At PROMO, our goal is to improve the health of LGBT Missourians through public education and better access to health care.
  • LGBT Patients: Your Health & Rights - Knowing your rights makes it easier for you and your family to make informed decisions about health.
  • Nondiscrimination - In the state of Missouri, LGBT people can be fired from their jobs, evicted from their homes, and denied access to public accommodations and services.
  • Nondiscrimination Ordinances In Missouri - These are the nondiscrimination ordinances in Missouri, where there are protections for LGBT people.
  • Debate Self-Care Tips for The Family - You are tired. You have heard too much. You have argued with too many significant people in your life to count. And, you want to watch tonight, because how can you not, right? But you are mentally drained and not sure if you even can. Whatever your or not are being affected by this election.
  • Springfield LGBT Community Roundtables - Over the summer, our team took intentional care to restructure and redevelop a position for the Springfield area that purposefully embraces grassroots organizing, leadership development, and community building. Because of this, we want your feedback...

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -73.9975 New York, United States

  • paul csikos - It is as easy as everyone says

    It is as easy as everyone says! Watch the videos don't over think it, then your done. Fantastic product!!! Works perfectly!!

  • PJS_review - Great shoe, but not wide enough for 6E

    Impossible to find really wide shoes, but I gave this a chance. Wear a 13 / 6e in new balance gym sneakers. Ordered a 48 wide, but they were tight enough that I couldn't hope they would loosen up enough so returned them. In retrospect, I probably should have tried the shimano triathlon shoes, as they are more forgiving. Ended up getting a Lake triathlon shoe, in 48 wide.

  • kendall - So good!!

    Heavenly! I love everything about this body scrub. The scent is so yummy I want to drink/eat it! It contains lots of different oils that leave your skin feeling so soft. I let my daughter use a little bit on her hands. Her skin is very sensitive so I have to be very careful about what I allow her to use. She loved how it smelled and how soft it made here hands feel. I used it on my legs and it felt great! Nice texture for scrubbing. I really love this body scrub. The coffee body scrub is great but I have to admit I like this better. I refer to my bath time as my vacation time and this has me feeling like I'm on at topical island getaway at least until my kids start knocking on the bathroom door. This is fun and fruity. I would recommend this product for sure!

  • Icequeen - Love this stuff

    Love this stuff. When taken appropriately and drinking lots of water, it works great. It is meant to help with weight loss, gives you more energy. I would prefer the chewables over the big pills. I don't suggest putting it in your shake either, tend to be a bit strong. :)