www.audiology-infos.br.com Review:

Audiology infos - Bemvindo a Audiology infos Brasil, o website dos profissionais da audição com as últimas notícias e recursos voltados para audiologistas e otorrinolaringologistas: pesquisas, práticas profissionais, políticas públicas, aparelhos auditivos, implantes cocleares, zumbido, etc.

  • http://www.audiology-infos.br.com/noticias/1103-caracteristicas-acusticas-de-aasi-nao-sao-faceis-de-averiguar Fabricantes nem sempre informam o protocolo de teste. - Nenhum dos 73 aparelhos auditivos avaliados apresentou total conformidade com a norma ANSI S3.22:2009
  • http://www.audiology-infos.br.com/noticias/1097-apreciacao-da-musica-e-similar-em-implantados-pre-e-pos-linguais-aponta-estudo Percepção e apreciação da música têm bases centrais diferentes - Conceitos de melodia, estilo e timbre são mais abstratos para indivíduos com surdez pré lingual e a interpretação desses termos por eles pode ser diferente.
  • http://www.audiology-infos.br.com/noticias/1095-controle-de-despesas-com-saude-e-oportunidade-para-audiologistas-avalia-artigo Perdas auditivas leves contribuem para custos médicos evitáveis - é fundamental identificar e atender os pacientes com perdas leves a moderadas e contribuir, assim, com os esforços em controlar as despesas com saúde.

    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3387 , France

  • Mr. Wonderful - EXCELLENT value and construction. Complete with multiple hardware items & extras... plus it's easy to install and use.

    Unbelievable value, with multiple hardware options provided (screws / bolts for different types and sizes of TVs). Heavy duty construction and clear, well written instructions too. Even the packaging of the different bolts, etc was well thought out. Separately labeled dividers printed with sizes... not one big bag with everything dumped in together. The package includes a small level to assist you in mounting the unit properly, as well as a 10' HDMI cable. How this unit sells for the low price is beyond my comprehension. I looked at other units that were not as complete (locally) and they were usually three times the price.

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  • Mandy - This product works!

    Bought this product because I herd that it helps with fertility, I have severe endometriosis and was told my fallopian tubes were blocked with scar tissue and would not be able to conceive naturally. I used systemic enzymes for months and then switched to this along with the Yi Mu Cao and Xi Xian Cao tea and became pregnant the next month after over a year of trying!