www.coulbourn.com Review:

Coulbourn Instruments - Coulbourn Instruments has been in operation in the Lehigh Valley for more than 30 years. The company is an acknowledged leader in the design, manufacturing and marketing of laboratory instrumentation for the life sciences. Its equipment is in use in the pharmaceutical industry, in university research laboratories and in independent laboratories worldwide. Flexibility, durability and ease of use are hallmark features of Coulbourn apparatus.

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.7073 Texas, United States

  • Rose - Works pretty well.

    I received a free bottle of the tablets from being a BzzAgent. They work pretty well without bad side affects. I forget to take often enough but probably should use 2 per meal to work well since I take medicines that cause constipation. I just ordered a bottle from Amazon to use during a trip.

  • Skylamor - Peppermint for Migraines, Tea Tree for Disinfecting Clothing, Kitchens, & Bathrooms, & Much More!

    So, this is a nice group of essential oils to have in your home for a variety of reasons and uses. You get six oils, all in 10 ml. glass bottles with sealed lids. I cant say that I have a favorite because I love them all. For instance, I have used the peppermint oil, just a few drops, on my temples and wrists for migraines and nausea. It takes that edge off and for anyone that has migraines knows how any relief is golden. I use the tea tree oil in the washing machine, takes odors and disinfects the clothing, bedding, towels, etc. The lavender and lemongrass I use in my diffuser for relaxation. I also make home cleaning sprays by using several of these oils alone and in combination in a bottle to disinfect and clean the bathroom and kitchen area. I even spray these into the air to freshen and purify the air. You can add a few drops of your favorite along with water and/ or vinegar. Google ' 'homemade essential oil cleaning' to find your favorite recipes. That's what I did. The homemade sprays are much cheaper than the store bought chemical cleaners and better for our lungs, too! I have had no issues with any of these oils and would purchase again. Price is great for this set. Recommended.