www.organicdigital.com.au Review:

Organic Digital Real Life Wellness Websites with Bren Murphy - Wellness Websites + Wordpress Web Design the perfect combination of mindful design built by a genuine + authentic life coach, Bren Murphy. Plus SEO - wow!

Country:, Oceania, AU

City: 143.2104 , Australia


    Amelia Jensen is a woman who must be tough in dealing with employees and customers in the restaurant business. Sometimes, she crosses the line and puts her job in jeopardy. Now she has to deal with a contractor/carpenter, William Sutherland for a remodel in the bar area of the restaurant. Although he has won the bid for the job, she puts him through an interview process, along with dinner and then tells him he had already won the bid and corporate had issued him the job.

  • TANSTAAFL - Buy the regular version - unless you like bees

    The product itself is worth 5 stars from an effectiveness point of view - but since it attracts bees like crazy, making it useless outside unless you're a bee farmer, I'll give it three stars.

  • TBlazer07 - Would I trust my important data to this product? Absolutely NOT,

    Simply stated. Currently a non-functional product with worthless support even under the first "free" 30 days then after 30 days they will charge you even if the product never worked. This release has been non-functional for many under Win 7. It took them 3 weeks to even ACKNOWLEDGE there was an issue. There are many other backup solutions out there, keep looking. Even when they finally get it working I couldn't possibly trust my important data to this software and Acronis' non-existent support.

  • Julie P. - Great Compression Kne Wraps

    This is a very well made Compression Knee Wrap. Got the Blue one instead of the black. The colors are very nice.

  • ToughCustomer - Great for the money

    i bought this because it was the cheapest of the dewalt grinders, but its a Dewalt so the quality is great, worked perfect. the handle had been miss threaded at some point (not sure if store or factory or a return) but was able to get the threads chased and working good again...cant hold that against dewalt

  • Latricia S. - Premama Fertility

    I really think Premama Fertility is working for me. Since starting it, I have had a regular cycle and I love that it mixes right in with my favorite drink. In fact, I'm so convinced that I'm now a monthly subscriber and it ships automatically each month!