www.ori.org.au Review:

Orthopaedic Research Institute Home - The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery aims to provide the highest quality clinical care, a comprehensive education program and highly innovative clinical and clinically applied basic science research. Our clinical work is primarily conducted through our sub-speciality services at St George Hospital, St George Private Hospital and Premier Orthopaedics. Our education program encompasses UNSW medical students, junior medical officers, orthopaedic residents, registrars and fellows and general practitioners. The St George Hospital Orthopaedic Research Institute is an independent research and development institute within the St George Campus.

Country:, Oceania, AU

City: 151.1975 New South Wales, Australia

  • Paul Kern - Descent but...

    This is a descent case but not great. The plastic case did start cracking just a short time after I had it. It does have a good snug fit. Warning-You can't plug the iPhone 4s to iPhone 5 converter adapter in with the case on. The hole in the case is too small.

  • StJoeJack - Waste of money.

    Does not do a thing on my fingernails. Much easier to use an emery board and nail clippers. Any cheep nail clippers and a whole bunch of emery boards can be bought for the price of this piece of ____: