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  • Monkey - Not working for me.

    These socks are comfortable but they end up around my ankles before I even leave my house. I hope other buyers have better luck with them though.

  • Frank Scoblete author of Confessions of a Wayward Catholic - White Fight, White Flight

    Charles Murray has come in for plenty of criticism for his book "The Bell Curve" but this book shouldn't get too many readers upset since it deals with the declining experiences of the white population of America. Fascinating.

  • Gloria Bell - Where can I get a total trolley?

    I bought a total trolley years ago and love it. It does what I want it to do when I need it to do it. I give it 5 stars. There is nothing on the market like it. My son recently bought a home and used my total trolley and he wants one, but we cannot find them anywhere. How can he order a total trolley so he will have his own and I can get mine back?