www.theriogenology.org Review:

American College of Theriogenologists - The American College of Theriogenologists (ACT) is a veterinary specialty organization, recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association, as the organization certifying veterinarians as specialists in Theriogenology (veterinary reproduction

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.822 , United States

  • Deana - Worthless humidity reader.

    I was thrilled to get this in the mail. I set it up in my living room away from sunlight, the wood stove, and the humidifier. The temperature tracker is spot on. The humidity tracker, which is what I bought it for, is screwy. Case in point: This morning it read that the humidity was 37 % and the icon indicated that was low. I came home this afternoon and the humidity tracker says that the humidity was 31 % and the icon indicated the level was okay. I've already changed the batteries once and this still doesn't read right. I will keep it for the temperature readout but it's worthless as a humidity reader.

  • Sarah Brownell - Fabulous informative book on a very important topic

    I am studying this book thoroughly and plan to follow it to the letter once I am fully informed. I was a heavy user of many antibiotics from age four throughout my life (I am 63) starting with treating bladder infections about every 2 months due to sexual abuse which NO ONE suspected. As a result, I lost my ability to make an important probiotic: oxalobacter ferminges. I developed kidney dtomes made of oxylates and even had to have a kidney removed. My nephrologist put me on a "low oxylate diet" to "save my life" and now I know that diet caused malnutrition and multiple other problems. I think my problem is systemic candidiasis, and if I explicitly follow this book I can cure myself AND become able once again to manufacture my own oxalobacter ferminges and stop having kidney stones. I am a true victim of the Western medical system and have hope I can beat this condition in the nick of time. Hope with me, please.

  • L. Durham - GREAT Product But requires MUCH Patience.

    This thing works like the commercials. The best part is that somehow the curls last all day vs. traditional curling iron. I have straight Asian hair and usually by the end of the day, you can't tell I curled anything but with Curl Secret, it looks almost as strong as it did in the morning. However there are many negatives for a beginner. It is ultra sensitive in how you put the hair in it. You cannot take a huge or even a large chunk of hair or it gets tangled and it is like heck to get out. You must have very smooth hair to work well. Anyone with dry, kinky hair, I cannot imagine would do well for the same reason. As you notice the commercials and even the youtube vids show ppl with healthy smooth hair. It is also hard to do the back of your head on your own. It is somewhat heavy to be holding. Not a time saver. I find I only use it if I know I have at least 30 mins free. I use my iron for the few wispy curls around my face. The Curl secret is too strong for that so no doing it halfway and taking off. I have had it for 6 month and only used it twice and I curl my long hair at least 3 times a week. I love the result but it is daunting to use and takes forever doing one inch at a time. Instead I use it for special occasions. Ironically I still recommend this product, just not for the inexperienced.

  • poprock explodey head - Nicely woven romantic tale against the backdrop of the Glencoe murders. My wee Jacobite heart ripped anew.

    Amy Jarecki's stories are always so well researched. I really appreciate that and thank her. Looking forward to the next installment!

  • Chris - Game is OK if you use a PS Move controller

    I've always wanted to try one of these hunting games but this was my first. Like others, I had a hell of a time trying to calibrate the controller. I have a 46" TV and sit about 10' away from the screen. Once I finally got it to work the scope still didn't line up with the cursor on the screen. There was also a big lag when ever we would aim at a different part of the screen we'd have to wait a second for the cursor to catch up.