www.you-can-be-funny.com Review:
Funny Material for Any Audience - Here's a huge resource pool for you to pull the things you need to be funny. Take what you need.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/-Funny-Material--blog.html The Funny Blog - The Funny Blog keeps you up-to-date with all additions and changes to the www.you-can-be-funny.com Web site. Subscribe here.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Newsletter.html Newsletter - Subscribe to the monthly newsletter of You Can Be Funny and receive your copy of "Dave's Funny World."
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Holiday-Humor.html Holiday Humor - Holiday Humor is a place you can take the entire family. Who knows, you might be there already as the fun-filled family events unfold.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Gag-Gifts.html Gag Gifts - Dave has done the legwork for you. Gag Gifts catagorizes the many types of gag gifts you may need for the friend who has everything.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/ClipsofFunnyVideos.html Clips of Funny Videos - Clips of Funny Videos are a warehouse of funny videos featuring animals, the police, commercials, kids, babies, etc.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/ShortHilariousJokes.html Short Hilarious Jokes - Short Hilarious Jokes is a collection of Jokes from all genres. Any group you need to target can most likely be found here.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Musician-Jokes.html Musician Jokes - Musician Jokes poke fun at anyone and everyone who sings, plays or bangs. Shy personalities beware.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnyPictures.html Funny Pictures - Funny Pictures make the attempt to capture a person, an animal, an event, a celebrity, etc. in a perfectly timed snapshot.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnySigns.html Funny Signs - Funny Signs are everywhere. Are they supposed to direct, warn, inform or entertain us? These signs are definitely funny.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnyNewspaperHeadlines.html Funny Newspaper Headlines - Funny Newspaper Headlines is a collection of ridiculous headlines from Jay Leno to my local newspaper. People love being shown these.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnyCartoons.html Funny Cartoons - Funny Cartoons take jabs at our current and past President, our political scene, professions, animals, sports and life's challenges.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnyNames.html Funny Names - Funny Names list names that are funny from "married names", "names in the phone book", "pet names" and much more.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnySongs.html Funny Songs - You can hear funny songs everyday on the radio, tv commercials, and special programs. Listed here are many titles in many catagories for you to choose from.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnyStories.html Funny Stories - Funny Stories will get laughs 100% of the time. Here is a large sampling of stories in many categories. I was present when many of these happened..
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Funny-Words.html Funny Words - Funny Words not only enable you to expand your vocabulary, but will give you mastery of the "Southern" language. Add oxymorons and euphemisms into your arsenal.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Funny-Books.html Funny Books - Funny Books highlights the covers of many great books we wish were truly available. They need to be written by somebody.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Funny-Lists.html Funny Lists - Funny Lists is a hub containing records and ideas on just about anything. The only list not to be worked into this collection is the S... List.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Funny-Sayings.html Funny Sayings - If you weren't raised in the South, these funny sayings might fly over your head. This page should come in handy if you're going to visit the South or need to converse with someone from the South.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Funny-Pranks.html Funny Pranks - Funny Pranks tell and show you how to pull some of the funniest pranks on the planet.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Funny-Cards.html Funny Cards - Funny Cards highlights some great sites to get free printable cards, funny e-cards, funny paper cards and many more.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnyQuotations.html Funny Quotations - Funny Quotations provide lots of proof that the brain was turned off while the mouth was turned on. Enjoy these quotes from many colorful characters in many categories.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/FunnyBumperstickers.html Funny Bumperstickers - Funny Bumperstickers is a gallery multiple catagories of bumperstickers with an attitude.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Funny-Puns.html Funny Puns - Here's quite a list of some funny puns. You can use these anytime you need to speak in front of any group.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Medical-Funnies.html Medical Funnies - Medical Funnies goes over-the-top in poking fun at our Medical Profession. Jokes, cartoons, pictures and terminology set this subject apart.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Group-Games.html Group Games - These group games are unique, will force you to think, and provide lots of fun for any group.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Barack-Obama.html Barack Obama - WARNING: Enter at your own risk. Material in this section may be found repulsive to liberals. You must certify you are at least 18 years of age and carry a Republican Voter Registration Card.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/The-Celebrities-Showcase.html The Celebrities Showcase - This hub contains several galleries of some of our favorite stars. We get to see them all dolled-up and without any makeup.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/TheLostArtofProofreading.html The Lost Art of Proofreading - The Lost Art of Proofreading entertains us with newpaper, magazine and other titles that were written by people in a hurry, never finished the 5th grade, or so stupid to realize what they just wrote.
http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/VeryFunnyAds.html Very Funny Ads - Very Funny Ads seen in newspapers, magazines and television. Need a copyrighting job, you can apply at any of these offices.
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